Nick Bumgardner Photography

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My Biggest Tip For Feeling Good On Set

Bring A Water Bottle!

When I got started in commercial photography I would typically have a headache by 3pm everyday that I was on set. For years I thought it was the flashing lights that was causing the issue. What I eventually discovered was that I was dehydrated. Working on set is a pretty physical activity. We are moving lights, talking to clients, talking to subjects, moving furniture, rushing around, changing camera settings. We are balancing a lot of different task while we are on set. What happens is that most of us forget to drink something, so by the end of the day we are dehydrated and feel like crap. I have found that brining my own water bottle to set remind me to drink more water. Brining my own water bottle also encourages me to get water from the tap instead of wasting bottled water. The more you stay hydrated on set the better you will feel at the end of the day. I know this is a super simple tip, but It has huge rewards. I can’t think of anything better than feeling good at the end of at 12 or 16 hour day on set. Drink up folks!

Nick Bumgardner is a food, beverage and product photographer based out of Nashville, TN.